Account role permissions for managing course calendars

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What are the correct permissions to add to an account role in order to create,read,update,delete in (all) course calendars using Canvas REST API? If I change the Bearer token to one that belongs to an account admin, the API call works.

I've created an account role and added these permissions:

  • Course Calendar - add / edit / delete.
  • Manage Assignments and Quizzes
    add / delete / edit.

    There seems to be more, hidden, permission dependencies because I get:


"status": "unauthorized",
"errors": [
"message": "user not authorized to perform that action"



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1 Solution

Hi @pnts-se,

Thanks for the added context.  I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to sync from external sources, but you might want to look at using account calendars instead of syncing things to individual course calendars (which could have long-term unintended consequences making import/export for future years more difficult).  If you use account calendars starting on July 15, you'll be able to subscribe users to those account calendars by default.


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