Google search reveals "Link-only" Program

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We recently launched a "Program" in Catalog for a client customer. We do not want anyone signing up for the course, just the client employees. We made the program, and the required courses, a link only that is shared with the client. However, we recently had a student sign up for the course that was not an employee of the client. She showed us that she found the course when she typed the course title in a google search. She was then able to access the Linked Program (it was about 5th in the search listing)

Is there a way to completely exclude "linked only" courses/programs from appearing in the internet search? Am I missing a setting? 

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1 Solution
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Hi. Good point. All of our catalogs are public. We want the public to come on in! But, this course is a special course for a client. I contacted our CSM and we were able to hide it from future searches. 

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