Using a CITI course as a Third Party badge in a Canvas Credentials Pathway

Community Member

For one of our canvas courses we currently have students complete several CITI courses and upload proof as an assignment. Additionally we have a Canvas Credentials Pathway and badges for the course. One of those badges in the pathway is completed via the submission of Certificates of completion for those CITI courses. We want to instead be able to have those certificates be added as third party badges added into a credentials pathway. As I have been lookign into things. It appears to me that CITI does not have any connection with an open badge platform. Where I could then add them as a third party with a badge URL or JSON. Has anyone else used a CITI certification and been able to directly integrate it as part of a badge/pathway. If so how did you accomplish. If not what might be other sugestions to better integrate the required CITI courses the students do into a pathway compared to how we do it currently.