Pathway "Add Integration" button not working

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Hi! I am encountering buggy behavior in Pathway’s LTI integration feature and I’m wondering if other folks are impacted.

The issue: when I click the “Add Integration” button on the pathway page (see screenshot below), the button does nothing—no changes in the UI or obvious error messages. I tried the button in multiple browsers and devices and confirmed the same behavior (actually, the lack of behavior).



The LTI integration feature’s location: [Canvas Credentials Homepage] > [Our Issuer] > [Pathways tab] > [the specific pathway] > [LTI Integrations tab] > “Add Integration” button.

Noteworthy clue: clicking the “Add Integration” button throws the following error in my browser’s console (located in browser’s “Developer Tools” section):
‘ERROR TypeError: this.createDialog is undefined’

Relevant contextual info:

  • I have admin privileges in Canvas Credentials.
  • have an Issuer account in our Canvas Credentials.
  • The LTI integration worked in Pathways as recently as about 1 month ago—we were able to add an LTI integration in Canvas Pathways to an external LMS.

I'm creating a ticket/informing our CSM, but posting here too b/c it can be helpful to know if it's just us or if others are also impacted. Thanks in advance for any insights/suggestions folks are able to offer!

1 Solution

Hello @JustinMason 

Thanks for posting in the Community!

I understand that you are seeing the Add Integration button not functioning for the Pathways LTI and I want to help.

This is an older integration, which has been replaced by the Credentials LTI. We have tried to remove most of the resources in the Community to avoid confusion. However if you search Pathways LTI, you should see under that guide some notes about this being an older version based on the legacy Canvas Credentials LTI 1.1. I have included a screenshot showing this: 

This guide provides steps that apply to the legacy Canvas Credentials LTI 1.1 in an Instructure-hosted Canvas instance which is not recommended...

Please install the recommended and updated Canvas Credentials 1.3 LTI.

Screenshot 2025-03-12 at 10.59.20 AM.png

We would suggest using the Credentials LTI instead as the Pathways functionality has been included inside the Credentials LTI. 
How do I install the Canvas Credentials LTI in Canvas? (guide)

I hope this is beneficial! Please reach out to us at if you have any questions about installing, or using Pathways in Canvas.

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