Canvas Credentials CSM Blog - November 2022


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Hello, Credentials crew! 


In this month’s post, we’re focusing our attention on internal resources you may need to create for your badging program.


In particular, the onboarding materials developed by the Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges (“SBCTC”).


SBCTC Ed Tech & Open Ed began piloting with Canvas Credentials (then Badgr Pro) in 2018. At that time, 18 of the 34 community and technical colleges in Washington State implemented Canvas Credentials. Progress on the badging initiative stalled during the pandemic, though. 


Efforts are currently underway to onboard the remaining six campuses and revive systemwide interest in badging. The response from the colleges thus far has been extremely positive. They have renewed interest in developing pathways for tracking faculty professional development, bridging the non-credit to credit gap, and exploring “earn as you learn” micro-credentials.


The Credentials CSM Team was impressed by the implementation guide and roadmap our contact at SBCTC created for the six new colleges. With SBCTC’s permission, we are sharing them for you to copy and use as you see fit.  



What internal-facing badging resources have you found useful? Please share in the comments below:


  1. What are your thoughts on using tools like these at your institution?
  2. Have you created anything similar?
  3. These documents were created for badging program administrators and team members. What internal resources have you created for other audiences? What audiences do you envision would benefit from documentation created specifically for your institution’s badging initiatives?


Feel free to add links to resources created by your organization if you wish to do so. We’d all love to see what you’ve built!