12 Days of Credentials: The Learner Experience


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Canvas Credentials allow learners to easily demonstrate, track, and share their competencies, no matter where or when they attained a badge! Through the Comprehensive Learner Record, learners have the agency to share their entire record of skills, compiled from multiple sources. Credentials empower learners with more than just a transcript! Read below and view the blogpost video here to learn more about the Credentials learner experience. 

To view and share badges, all learners will need to create a Credentials account. Users will receive an email prompt to create an account the first time a badge is awarded.


All learners who earn a badge through Credentials will get a Backpack. This feature allows users to view all badges earned, even from multiple institutions. In a user’s account settings, additional emails can be added that have outside badges linked. Once a user has all of their badges in one Backpack, they can organize badges into collections. Collections can be shared via link, social media, or embed codes. 

My Record

Under the My Record view, learners will see their dashboard, which summarizes their progress, along with any recent badge activity. Learners will also see the Learner Record. This allows learners to share their achievements and edit what is displayed when shared. 

My Badges

When a learner selects the My Badges option, they will be directed to view the badges they have earned for the organization. Learners can share individual badges via link, directly to social media, or using embed codes. Learners can easily toggle to view Other Badges, which will house badges earned outside of the organization. The learner can opt to share those badges into this account.

My Pathways

My Pathways allows learners to easily access pathways they are subscribed to, see their progress in pathways, and view pathway requirements. Learners work through pathways from left to right. The learner can click on any of the steps in a pathway to view the requirements and prerequisites for specific steps. Learners also have the option to share a pathway and include their progress.

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