12 Days of Credentials: Badge Types


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In Canvas Credentials, we boast an exceptional Pathway tool empowering instructors, designers, and admin to intricately design programs and curriculum. Within this pathway, three primary badge categories—Completion, Required, and Milestone—can be seamlessly incorporated at each step.

  1. Completion Badges are awarded just as they are named, for completion of the entire Pathway. When building out your pathway, this is the first badge you will add as pathway creation is a backward design process. Typically this badge is designed more intricately and holds more weight when it comes to the taxonomy of the badges within the pathway.
  2. Required Badges are visually represented with badges on the left and are awarded manually or via a Canvas Credentials LTI in an LMS. Once awarded, the step in the pathway is fulfilled. This badge is associated with the child step(s) on a pathway.
  3. Milestone Badges are visually represented with a badge on the right. Once the step in the pathway is fulfilled, the Milestone badge is awarded. This badge is also associated with the child step(s) on a pathway.

These distinctions allow for a comprehensive badging system within Canvas Credentials, enabling instructors to provide meaningful recognition and guidance throughout a student's learning journey. Keep in mind that the exact functionalities and definitions may vary depending on how your institution has customized Pathways.

Canvas Credentials Badge Type InfographicCanvas Credentials Badge Type Infographic




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