Blackboard LMS Integrations - Setting up Portfolium LTI

PDF: Blackboard LTI Set Up Guide

STEP 1: Click on Building Blocks

Within Administrator Panel, click onBuilding Blocks to start setting up Portfolium's LTI app.

STEP 2: Within Building Blocks, click on LTI Tool Providers

STEP 3: Within LTI Tool Provider, click on Register Provider Domain

STEP 4: Register with Provider Domain of

Provider domain:

Domain Status: approved

Set Default Configuration as Set globally.

It is recommended that data is sent only over SSL.

After putting provisions on as Default Configuration, press Submit

STEP 5: Back on LTI Tool Providers, right click on and click Manage Placements

STEP 6: Create Placement as "Student Tool"

STEP 7: Create appropriate labels and fill out Tool Provider Information

Fill out Tool Provider Information with URL:

Portfolium will now be listed under "Course Tools"