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Canvas Badges/Credentials Release Notes (2025-02-17)

Canvas Badges/Credentials Release Notes (2025-02-17)

In this Canvas Badges/Credentials release (17 February), issuers can bulk revoke badges and opt out of badge rewards when emails are updated. Additionally, Canvas Credentials is fully integrated with Canvas's course export and import functionality.

Table of Contents

New Features


Bulk Revoke Awards


Beta Environment Availability

Not available in the beta environment

Production Environment Availability


Location to Enable Feature


Name of LTI Tool



Name of Permission relevant to feature area

Related APIs


Affects User Interface


Affected Areas


Related Ideas



Issuers can bulk revoke badges.

Change Benefit

This feature gives issuers greater control and efficiency, especially when managing unintended mass badge awards. By streamlining error correction, it enhances the user experience.

Feature Workflow

Badge Awards Bulk Revoke ButtonBadge Awards Bulk Revoke Button

To revoke multiple badges at once, navigate to the Awards tab and click the Bulk Revoke button to select users.

Bade Award Select Recipients for Bulk RevokeBade Award Select Recipients for Bulk Revoke

To revoke all user badges, click the Recipient checkbox [1], to revoke specific user badges, click the checkbox of the desired users [2], then click the Revoke Selected button [3].


Bulk Revoke Confirmation ModalBulk Revoke Confirmation Modal

A confirmation modal lists all selected users whose badges will be revoked.


Bulk Revoke Error ModalBulk Revoke Error Modal

If a badge cannot be revoked from a user, an error message displays.

Revoke Badge Confirmation ModalRevoke Badge Confirmation Modal
After badges are revoked from the selected users, a confirmation modal displays.

Course Settings

Import and Export Canvas Credentials

Admin Issuer

Beta Environment Availability

Not available in the beta environment

Production Environment Availability


Location to Enable Feature


Name of LTI Tool



Inherent to user

Related APIs


Affects User Interface


Affected Areas

Course Import/Export

Related Ideas


Related Blog

Expanding Integration: Canvas Credentials Meets Course Export and Import


Canvas Credentials is fully integrated with Canvas's course export and import functionality. Micro-credentials and pathways associated with a course seamlessly transfer when the course is moved or shared.

Change Benefit

This integration simplifies the transfer of courses and associated credentials, fosters better collaboration among educators, and enhances the overall user experience for instructors.

Additional Details

To support this integration, developer keys will be updated. If the integration’s name or visibility settings have been customized, these customizations may be temporarily altered for a few hours during the nighttime update. Once the update is complete, the original settings will be restored, ensuring no lasting impact.

Important Considerations

  • Canvas Credentials Instance Consistency: The Canvas Credentials instance must remain the same. However, courses can be transferred between different Canvas instances as long as they are within the same region.
  • Issuer Matching: The issuer on the original course must match the issuer on the course into which it is imported.
  • Processing Delays: If the Credentials tab is accessed while the import is still processing, email verification and issuer selection may be required before copied data becomes visible.
  • Existing Learners: When a course is imported into another course that already has learners:
    • Pathway and badge progress will update within 12 hours or when the Update now button is pressed, rather than recalculating instantly.
    • Notifications for new pathway subscriptions (both email and UI) will not be triggered immediately.
    • The pathways column on the issuer members page will not be recalculated right away.
  • Export Compatibility: Course exports will not function if credentials are installed only at the course level and not at the sub-account or Root account level.
  • Prerequisite Configurations: Badges, issuers, and pathways must already exist on the target course.
    • Transferring courses between different universities or regions is not supported—this integration is only available within the same region.
  • Other Considerations:
    • If an imported course includes badge award criteria linked to assignments or quizzes, verify that these elements exist in the destination course. Criteria may need to be adjusted manually if they are missing.
    • Imported course credentials will adopt the visibility settings of the original issuer.
    • If the imported course carries outdated issuer information, updating the issuer details will be necessary before badges can be awarded.



Badge Reaward Opt-Out Enhancement


Beta Environment Availability

Not available in the beta environment

Production Environment Availability


Location to Enable Feature


Name of LTI Tool




Related APIs


Affects User Interface


Affected Areas

Edit Organization-Content Settings

Related Ideas



Organizations can opt out of automatic badge reawards triggered by email address changes in Canvas.

Change Benefit

This update reduces administrative burden, preserves the integrity of badge award dates, and enhances customer satisfaction by offering greater control over badge reaward functionality.

Feature Workflow

Content Setting Automatic Badge reawards for Email Changes in Canvas CheckboxContent Setting Automatic Badge reawards for Email Changes in Canvas Checkbox

By default, when a user updates their email address in Canvas, earned badges are automatically reawarded through the Automatic Badge Rewards for Email Changes feature [1]. Additionally, the Preserve the Original Award Date checkbox [2] is enabled by default.


Unchecked Automatic Badge Reawards for Email Changes in Canvas CheckboxUnchecked Automatic Badge Reawards for Email Changes in Canvas Checkbox

To opt out of automatic badge reawards, uncheck the Automatic Badge Reawards for Email changes in Canvas checkbox.

Change Log


Addition to Courses Settings: Import and Export Canvas Credentials Important Considerations- Export Compatibility: Course exports will not function if credentials are installed only at the course level and not at the sub-account or Root account level.


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