More Exciting Updates for Assignment Enhancements


Since my last post, we've continued to make great progress on the updates to Assignment Enhancements for Students. Recent updates are detailed below. 

  • Submission type selection updated from dropdown to icons for each option. 


  • Improved UI for list of files uploaded to a submission.


  • New student annotation assignment type introduced in May now supported in the enhanced view. 
  • Updates to feedback flow
    • Feedback tray defaults to open when a student views their submission if feedback has been provided by the instructor or grader. 
    • Clicking on feedback from the student dashboard now directs to enhanced view as expected when feature is enabled.
    • Language in feedback tray has been updated to clarify that teacher feedback and student comments will display in the tray. 

Items available in beta and scheduled for the August 18 deploy:

  • Module progression buttons will display in the footer with other action buttons. Moving them from the current placement in the center of the page will help students to know that they should submit first before moving on to the next module item. 
  • Support for submission of images captured using a webcam.

Up next for development:

  • Update "View Feedback" button to show "Add Comment" prior to submission, making it clear to students where/how they can add a comment. 
  • Supporting group assignments 
Community Participant

Oh, I really like this progression button. It will be so helpful with students thinking they've correctly and fully submitted their assignment when they haven't. We also have issues with files being submitted that can't be opened by the teacher. Would this help warn the student that the file is corrupt or something like along those lines?

Community Participant

I can't seem to pinpoint the progression button. Do you have a screengrab? Or do you need to enable something?


@dominiquel, I think we would need to dig into that issue a bit to determine why the files are an issue. For that, it would likely be best to submit a support case so that our support team can dig in and help us work to discovering the underlying issue. They can then escalate to our engineering teams if needed, as well. 

@b_w_reid, please see the screenshot below that shows the previous and next buttons in the bottom footer. 




Community Explorer

I'm in Beta and I don't see the different submission type.


Hi, @elugo, can you confirm that you have enabled the feature preview for Assignment Enhancements - Student at either the account or course level?  

Community Explorer

Yes, our admin enable the feature in Beta. I believe he did it at the account level.