Unable to view courses on laptop

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Community Novice


I am a new student at CSU, my classes are just starting and I have a problem with my dash board. When I log in with my laptop I am able to log in but unable to view discussions and assignments. I am not sure what's missing. Can you please help.


1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @amir_shahsavari  Welcome to the Canvas Community!

It sounds like you may be using a browser that is not compatible with Canvas (likely Internet Explorer).

Here are some troubleshooting steps: 

If you're using your own computer, you can update to any other browser (check out browsehappy.com for quick links to all browsers, just stay away from IE), and you can also use the Canvas Student app as well.

If you are using a browser on your institution's campus, you'll want to contact your IT department to ask them to please correct the issue.

I hope this helps,


Note: In response to the sheer volume of browser-related questions we have been getting over the last week or so, this is a canned response so that I can help as many users as possible. The fact that this reply is canned, does not mean it is inaccurate.


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