How fine grained is Canvas's quiz time tracking?

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Screenshot_2021-05-25_01-34-25.pngI am conducing a quiz, where students are given 1440 minutes (24 hours) to complete the quiz, in a time period of 4 days.

I just noticed that several students have the exact same time remaining. On the right is a screenshot of a section of the Moderate Quiz page, with remaining time shown.

I find this extremely hard to believe. Even in the case where students were trying to collaborate on the quiz (which I doubt), they wouldn't be this synchronized.

What could be the problem?

Edit: I want to note that these "22:25:39 time remaining"  students started the quiz 2 days in, so they didn't click start moment it was released or anything.

1 Solution
Community Member

The answer was dead simple. The students started their exams (at different times) with less than 24 hours remaining till the last time of submission. So, obviously, time remaining would be till last time of submission, and hence the same for these students.

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