How do a reset a quiz for one student?

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The student had an emergency during the quiz and did not finish it within the allotted time. Can I reset the quiz for her only so she can retake it?

I found the answer searching through the Canvas guided under "Once I publish a quiz, how can I give my students extra attempts?" In the future, how can I avoid this issue by setting a time limit for the quiz, but allowing students to go over the time limit in case of technological problems or emergencies while they are taking the quiz? Blackboard's setting of "Autosubmit off" would allow them to continue over the time limit, but then I had to "accept" their quiz grade for it to be recorded. 

1 Solution
Community Champion


Welcome to the Canvas Community!!!

You will need to use the Moderate this Quiz feature Once I publish a quiz, how do I use the Moderate Quiz page?‌  This will allow you to give the student another attempt on that quiz.


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