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what is zoom?

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello  @peter_hadreas ...

There's way too many features of Zoom to provide you in a single response, but essentially it is a video conferencing software that lets you connect virtually with one or more people via video/audio/telephone.  You can connect via your home or work computer, or you can even connect to a Zoom meeting room via your smart phone or tablet.  Here's Zoom's YouTube page: Zoom - YouTube.

For our school, we have purchased Zoom licenses so that instructors who want to utilize Zoom in their Canvas courses can do so.  Students do not need to purchase anything additional to use Zoom once the Zoom LTI integration has been configured in your school's Canvas environment.  You can integrate Zoom directly in Canvas courses so that instructors can set up virtual meeting rooms to meet with students to hold lectures, answer questions, work on projects, etc.  Here's a short video tutorial I found on how instructors can get Zoom set up in their courses.

I hope this helps, Peter.  Please let Community members know if you have any questions about this...thanks!

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