[ARCHIVED] zoom on calendar

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How do I get my scheduled Zoom meetings to appear automatically on my course calelndar? 

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2 Solutions
Community Champion

Hi Jane,

The only way to get the zoom links to get added to the calendar automatically is to use the Zoom Canvas integration.  If that is not set up, you'll simply need to add them manually to your course calendar.  https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-12797-415241296 

If the Zoom integration is set up in your instance of Canvas (an admin would need to do this) then you have a couple of options.  First, see if Zoom is in your left side course navigation.  If not, go to Settings, Navigation and see if it is in the lower disabled section.  If do, drag it to the upper section and Save.  If you don't see it in either spot there is no need to look further because it's not set up on your school's Canvas instance.

Click the Zoom course navigation item.  The easiest way to work this is to Schedule your meetings from this interface.  It will look just like if you are doing it from the main Zoom page and it automagically adds links then to your course calendar and the Syllabus section in Canvas.  If you've already created your Zoom meetings outside of this interface, try clicking the All My Zoom Meetings link and copy the Meeting ID.  Then go back to Course Meetings, click the three dot in the upper right corner and select Import meeting.  Enter your meeting ID and that meeting will be pulled in to the Canvas Zoom integration and added to the calendar/etc.

I hope that helps and one of those suggestions works based on how things are set up with your school's instance of Canvas.


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If you need to delete Zoom meetings in Canvas, will it automatically delete them from the calendar too? I have an instructor I am working with who deleted zoom meetings that they no longer need, but the meetings are still showing up in the Canvas Calendar. 



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