[ARCHIVED] Where Did My Assignments Go?

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Community Novice


I recently got an e-mail from my professor saying that I had not turned in any of the assignments for his class and I was in danger of failing the class. I looked on my canvas page and saw that all of my past assignments had been given zeros and were labeled "no submission". I am 100% certain that I submitted all of these assignments, and that I submitted them to the correct place (I checked all my other classes and assignments to make sure). I vividly remember attaching three files for this one lab report and seeing "submitted" and the green check mark, however when I went to check just now, not a single assignment was there. I have explained to my professor, resubmitted all the assignments, and hopefully he will give me grace (I will not graduate on time if I fail this class). What might have happened that caused all my assignments to disappear? Is there a way to keep this from happening again?

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1 Solution
Community Novice

Hello, we found out the problem! Earlier this semester I had been in the wrong lab (I needed to be in the morning lab for schedule purposes but my school accidentally put me in the afternoon lab). When the registrar switched me into the proper lab it changed which class I was in on canvas, therefore I hadn't submitted any of the homework into the morning class even though I had submitted it for the afternoon version of the class. Thankfully my professor understands and has given me full marks even though they appeared to be late submissions.

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