[ARCHIVED] What do you wish you had known before you started?

Community Novice

Hi all!

I'm presenting next month on our fully online K-12 so I wanted to crowdsource this here, where lots of you are probably familiar with at least the K-12 specific issues, if not the fully online K-12 issues. I know generally what I want to cover, but I want to make sure that I'm adding as many things that will be useful as possible Smiley Happy I always feel like the Q & A sessions at the end of the presentations are the most useful anyway, so I'm hoping if I can build more of that into my session we can get as much useful info to people as possible in that really short half hour!

Here are my questions:

1. What is the most important thing you wish you knew about Canvas in a K-12 environment before you transitioned to/started off in Canvas? Would you do anything different if you were doing it now?

2. What is the most useful thing someone DID tell you/help you learn that made the transition easier?

3. What do you consider the BEST quality about Canvas for K-12 users? What is your proudest K-12 Canvas usecase/feature/moment?

4. What do you think is the WORST quality of Canvas specific to online K-12 users?

I know what the answers are for my institution, but we do a lot of weird things so I'm wondering how universal these things actually are. I'm specifically interested in anyone who has all or part of their K-12 fully online, but I'm also interested in hybrid and traditional classrooms as well. Feel free to answer any of the questions, even if you don't have anything off the top of your head on all of them Smiley Happy

Thank you!

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