Amanda Sara Bass
Community Novice
May 12, 2015 7:52:03 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS
As admins/teachers, as well as for parents, the best way to see all grades for a student in a course is from the student grades page:
It wo...
We are taking a hard look at our new curriculum and trying to ask some questions about how and where to make improvements. As such, we're looking for a lot of information about what questions stud...
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas Idea will be open for vote Wed. August 5, 2015 - Wed. November 4, 2015 Learn more about voting...With the addition of the Q in gradebook for t...
Idea open for vote Wed. February 3, 2016 - Wed. May 4, 2016 Learn more about voting...
As a teacher or designer, when I create an assignment and choose submission types, I am presented with...
Currently, if a student navigates to his or her grades page within a course and clicks on an assignment they have NOT completed, it allows them to start the quiz for the first time from a button insid...
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My only comment on this - the internet was a little spotty, but it was WAY better than in Park City, I really think that instructure stepped up their game this year on internet! I also wished all of t...
We noticed that as well. Canvas has been aware for a little while and I think they're actually working on it right now. We received a ticket update this morning that they are working on a QA fix t...
Great idea, especially to give the option. I can see where you would sometimes want the answer to keep showing up (if you had to select between one of three options for 15 questions), but having the a...
Oh, perfect, thanks for the link! I'll comment there in case anyone else would like to come join the new bandwagon
Thanks Brian! I was hoping we weren't the only ones who needed this
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