[ARCHIVED] Video-based course material

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I want to produce a list of sort video to illustrate mathematics concepts as supplementary course material. I think that using bite-sized video, probably several minutes video, can engage students and let them easier to understand. 

I know Canvas has recording function using a webcam in assignment. But I am looking for some sort of "whiteboard" function, so I can draw graphs and maths formula while explain verbally.Is there any "whiteboard" capturing function Canvas?


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2 Solutions
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BigBlueButton has a Whiteboard feature.


However, unless you have a pen tablet or something, I would advise against it. Drawing out math problems via a trackpad/mouse is not fun.


I personally use an iPad (our school has units I borrowed last year, but I bought one for myself this year, plus an Apple Pencil) and the built-in screen record feature (just make sure the microphone is turn on each time, sometimes it resets, so your whole video has no audio!). You can use apps like Notability, or you can use the built-in MarkUp feature either in the Notes app or via a blank PDF page saved in Files. I give my students self-created handouts to take notes with, and so I save that into my Files on the iPad and use MarkUp on that; this is how I teach as well, ScreenMirror to the projector (no more cleaning whiteboards!).

You can upload it as a video file to Canvas, put I personally upload it unlisted to YouTube and then embed/link it to the related assignments (I used to just have it as a list on a page, but the kids didn't watch them, embedding the video (so a video player box is visible) into the description of the HW assignments really increased viewership).

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Community Team
Community Team

While there is not currently a built-in whiteboard option, another Community member recently requested one was added.

White board in the Canvas for professors to share their notes in classroom. 

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