[ARCHIVED] Using API to see when students view feedback

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I am looking at how students use the feedback I provide on written assignments.

One question is when and if they view the document they have submitted after I have provided feedback.

This information is available in the Speedgrader, but requires me to view every student submission and record whether the student viewed the document, and if they did, record the date.  This can be a slow process.

I have found that the Canvas API for Submissions provides a way to view this data:

GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments/:assignment_id/submissions/:user_id/document_annotations/read

However, this just returns a true/false value, not the date.  

Has anyone found a way to retrieve the date when the submission annotations were read using the API?  The data is clearly available since it is displayed in the Speedgrader.



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1 Solution

Hello @woodsdm2 I looked and that information is not present in the API data unfortunately.

There would be a way to see if they had visited the page looking at their page views, however we do not see page view information of a user in the API. It looks like we are seeing some limitation here, however I would suggest submitting this as a feature request for that data to be included in the API. https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/idb-p/ideas

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