[ARCHIVED] Unable to get Login Credentials When install canvas using docker

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I have installed canvas automated setup using docker and it is installed properly. The canvas login screen gets displayed. But I was unable to get a credential to log in to canvas, During setup, it did not ask for any credential. Even the Registration link does not appear on the login screen. Which credential needs to use to login to canvas or How can I register a new admin user to the canvas so that I can access the canvas dashboard?

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1 Solution
Community Member

I have figured out the solution. To create login credentials for canvas, We have to log in to the docker container using the command =>

docker exec -u 0 -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash

Once we log in to the container, run the below command to set up email and password for canvas.

rails db:initial_setup
This will ask for the email address and password for canvas admin login.


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