I wrote a powershell script to get this and assignment level data. Maybe it will help.
# Working as of 12/11/2020
# Script to Extract Assignment Level Data from Canvas
# Version 1.0
# Configuration Variables
$inputFile = "C:\canvas\reports\student_list_demo.csv" #Input File containing list of students.
$canvasURL = "++++++.instructure.com" #Canvas URL. Do not include https://
$token = "" #Account Token
$enrollmentType = "StudentEnrollment" #Enrollment Type, This ensures that we only get enrollments where role -eq student
$enrollmentState = "active" #Enrollment State, This ensures that we only get active enrollments for the student
$enrollmentInclude = "current_points" #Additiional Data to Include, By default the enrollment API does not include grade information. We actually want it to include that.
$enrollmentTerm = "5" # Go to api/v1/terms to locate the internal ID of the term. For instance, Fall 2020 is ID '5'. Spring 2021 is ID '7'
$exportFile = "C:\canvas\reports\student_grades.csv" #Location to Export the Data
#************ Do Not Edit Below This Line ************
#Check for file
if(!(Test-Path $inputFile)){
Write-Host Input file does not exist!
#Check for export file. Remove if it already exists.
if((Test-Path $exportFile)){
Remove-Item $exportFile
Add-Content $exportFile -Value $header
$headers = @{"Authorization"="Bearer "+$token}
$in_data = Import-CSV($inputFile);
forEach($item in $in_data)
$student_id = $item.student_id
$url = 'https://'+$canvasURL+'/api/v1/users/sis_user_id:'+$student_id+'/enrollments?per_page=100'
$postData = @{'type[]'=$enrollmentType; 'state[]'=$enrollmentState; 'include[]'=$enrollmentInclude; 'enrollment_term_id'=$enrollmentTerm}
Write-Host " "
Write-Host Getting Enrollments for $student_id
$results = (Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -Method GET -Uri $url -Body $postData)
$jresults = ($results.Content | ConvertFrom-Json)
forEach ($i in $jresults)
$course = $i.course_id
$user_id = $i.sis_user_id
$name = $i.user.sortable_name -replace '\s',''
$sisID = $i.user.sis_user_id
$secton = $i.sis_section_id
$activity = $i.total_activity_time
$last_activity = $i.last_activity_at
$current_score = $i.grades.current_score
$final_score = $i.grades.final_score
$term = $enrollmentTerm
Write-Host " "
Write-Host " Course:" $course
$urlAsn = 'https://'+$canvasURL+'/api/v1/courses/'+$course+'/analytics/users/sis_user_id:'+$user_id+'/assignments?per_page=100'
$resultsAsn = (Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -Method GET -Uri $urlASn)
$jresultsAsn = ($resultsAsn.Content | ConvertFrom-Json)
forEach ($i in $jresultsAsn)
$assignment_id = $i.assignment_id
$assignment_title = $i.title
$due_date = $i.due_at
$submission_date = $i.submission.submitted_at
$start_date = $i.unlock_at
$graded_date = $i.submission.posted_at
$points_possible = $i.max_score
$assignment_status = $i.status
$score = $i.submission.score
Write-Host " Assignment:" $assignment_title
$file_contents = ''+$name+','+$sisID+',"'+$secton+'",'+$activity+','+$last_activity+','+$current_score+','+$final_score+','+$enrollmentTerm+',"'+$assignment_id+'","'+$assignment_title+'","'+$assignment_status+'",'+$due_date+','+$submission_date+','+$start_date+','+$graded_date+','+$points_possible+','+$score+''
Add-Content $exportFile -Value $file_contents
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "Script Complete"
I know nested looping is bad practice -- this was just something to help us with a reporting project. If you do not want the assignment level data, you can take out that loop. The csv file just needs to contain usernames with a column heading of student_id. This write everything to a csv file.
This discussion post is outdated and has been archived. Please use the Community question forums and official documentation for the most current and accurate information.