[ARCHIVED] To Do List working on desktop but not in student app

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I'm logged in as a student in my Canvas Free for Teachers class on a PC and the Canvas Student app. On the PC, my To Do List is long and accurate. On my app, it says "Well done!" and doesn't show a single task. Do I need to activate something on the iOS app?

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1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi Jacqueline -

If your iOS and your Canvas Student app are both updated, double-check that your course is selected to be displayed on the dashboard as it should in the browser. If it is, it definitely should appear in your to-do list that parallels your browser experience.

If it doesn't even after double-checking for updates, try resetting your cache with the next launch -- or uninstalling and reinstalling.

If that still doesn't help, I'd reach out to Canvas Support. How do I get help with the Student app on my iOS device?

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