I think some of these really depend on the grade level taught, subject, and personal pedagogy, but here are some of my top don'ts!
1. Hide as many of the navigational links on the left as possible. The fewer you have visible the less likely students are to get confused about where to go and what they should be doing. For me I add everything students need to the course Modules. Then there is no confusion about where students should go to find things. (ex: Hide --> Discussions, Assignments, Quizzes, Pages, Files, and anything you aren't using like --> Collaborations, Announcements, & Chat). See the following guide: How do I reorder and hide Course Navigation links?
2. Any navigational links you leave visible need to be used. Ex: Don't leave the syllabus link visible and then not add your syllabus to it!
3. Make sure and put a zero in when a student misses/doesn't do an assignment (unless of course you are excusing them and then put in an EX). If you don't put in the zero then the student will think they are getting a much better grade than they really are!
4. Front page or Modules as your course home? My rule of thumb is unless you've got something awesome going on for your front page, students will find it a lot easier to navigate and find things if you just make the course home your Modules. See the following guide: How do I change the Course Home Page?
5. Chat seems awesome, but beware! You can't delete anything that gets posted in Chat and everything is public to everyone in the course. What does this mean? If something confidential gets posted on chat there isn't anything you can do to remove it other than remove chat from the course (hide it from students).
6. Do not delete the "roll call attendance" assignment from Assignments. If you do it will just keep coming back and haunting you... 
7. Honestly (and we're being honest here, right?) don't use Roll Call Attendance as a grade in your gradebook. I'm not saying you shouldn't use the Attendance feature. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done and I use it myself. Yet, I do not believe it will provide any type of accurate grade information that you would want in your gradebook. So what can you do? First see #6 again, don't delete it. But what you can do is unpublish it, change it to be worth zero points, or make it so that it's not graded. If you want to give points for attendance then make a separate assignment for it that you can easily control and explain to students.
8. The "Reset course content" button can be awesome if you want to start a course over from scratch. Yet, it really will remove EVERYTHING from your course, so do not click that button unless you really mean it!
9. And surprise, surprise, the "Permanently delete this course" button really will delete your course - DO NOT CLICK ON THIS BUTTON!
10. Extra credit can be tricky, especially if you're using a weighted gradebook. I recommend checking out this blog - Extra credit using weighted assignment groups. - by stefaniesanders prior to setting anything up!
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