[ARCHIVED] Teacher's old comments disappear with new hand in

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We are having some issues with the Speedgrader. Let's say a teacher has commented on a student's text in the speedgrader. If the student decides to hand in a new text on the same assignment, the student can no longer see the teacher's comments in the old text. 

This is also an issue when the students' are told to hand in multiple files at once. If they hand in the text document first and another file later, they will not be able to see the teacher's comments in the text-file. I know that the students should hand in all the files at once, but students don't always remember this. Smiley Wink 

Is there no way so that the students can see everything that they have handed in? I feel like this is something that Canvas really should fix (if I haven't missed anything).

For example, I can comment on my students' first hand in, but they will not be able to see it. 

325606_Student cant see my comments.jpg

Have a nice day! 

// Rebecca 

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1 Solution
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It doesn't seem like an option, currently. However, it does look like it's a heavily requested feature and has been voted up enough for Instructure to add it to their production plan: https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/1076-student-view-view-submissions-and-comments-for-all-submis...

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