[ARCHIVED] Submission comment notification

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not sure if this question or discussion already exists but...

When students make a comment on an assignment submission - especially AFTER the assignment has been seen and graded by the instructor - is there any way to KNOW such later comment has been made other than just Canvas emailed notification? That does not seem very effective to be sure we catch all student comments made after the fact. 

It would be nice if there were some clearly visible notification in the course site/grade center: a colored icon or at least a notice in the course home page (with the list of other notices re: submissions and such).

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2 Solutions
Community Team
Community Team

Laura ~ It seems like this would be an excellent idea for the feature idea process. Right now, there are notifications with email and Canvas Teacher, and I think there may be other instructors/graders would find it helpful to have some sort of marker either in the course or gradebook to "nudge" them to go in and look at the larger conversation (outside of email and filtering). If you'd like to learn more, this lesson will help: How do I create a new feature idea in the Canvas Community?

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Community Participant

Having the same questions. Just did some digging around. For me, at least, the student comments are readily available via Canvas, Inbox, and then "Submission Comments" in the dropdown box at the top. Not in the best place, and it's another place to check, but it's better than having to guess. 

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