[ARCHIVED] Sign Ups/Seat Reservations for In-Person Classes due to COVID

Community Member

Hi folks,

I'm an associate instructional designer at my university and we're currently discussing options to allow students to sign up/reserve a spot for limited capacity in-person sessions for the Fall (assuming in-person sessions aren't scrapped before the semester begins). These courses are hybrid, meaning students will attend in person and via Zoom/BBB simultaneously. Our plan is to allow flexibility for students to choose on a weekly basis rather than a semester-long option (ie: Group A one week, Group B next week, etc.). Ideally, when reserving a limited number of seats, we'd want students to be able to see how many spots are remaining. We've looked at a few options including:

  • Appointment groups via Canvas Calendar
  • Doodle polls
  • Google Sheets linked/embedded within a course
  • Google Forms;

However, each option has its strengths and drawbacks.

I'm curious if anyone else has looked at/is planning to use a different method for allowing students to sign up on a weekly basis to reserve their seat. I haven't really been able to identify other services/platforms that weren't too overarching in their scope or obfuscatingly complex for faculty to use.

Thanks for any input!

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