[ARCHIVED] Removing "Body Shadow" from Theme

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Community Coach
Community Coach

I have searched EVERYWHERE for this answer and cannot seem to find a solution. 

My district needs all the real estate we can get for our login screen. Is there any way to remove the "Body Shadow" from a Theme in the Canvas Theme Editor?

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2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

No. I am guessing it is a custom job that costs money. Seems so simple though! 

Thanks for following up with me!

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Community Explorer


I was having the same issue but with some persistence and a bit of luck I discovered that if you simply enter in the the word "transparent in the field where the colour value (i.e #ffffff) is stored for the Body Shadow it will not display.

Transparent is a valid value in the CSS and therefore it translates form the user interface correctly (i.e. --ic-brand-Login-body-bgd-shadow-color: transparent;) with no need for development or modifying the theme CSS.





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