[ARCHIVED] Can I stop Canvas from making scores for partially graded exams available?

Community Novice

I assign a 5 question essay exam for one of my courses, and these exams obviously take a while to grade. Occasionally I have to take a break from grading when in the middle of grading an exam, with only some of the questions grades. I had assumed that since the exam isn't shown as graded on my screen with a check mark that these in-process grades were not visible to students. However, I just got an email from a student asking why she had only gotten 12/100 on her exam -- I graded one of the five essay questions this morning, but had not yet graded any of the others. I checked, and her exam still shows as not completely graded: 332667_pastedImage_1.png

Is it standard behavior for Canvas to release scores for partially graded exams? Is there a way to stop this from happening? I would prefer not to mute the exam, since then students would have to wait until I had graded the whole class, and there's a possibility I would forget to unmute.

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