[ARCHIVED] Removing old courses from All Courses List

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How do I remove and old course from my all courses list?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello Jennifer,

Are you at a school where you are automatically added to Canvas courses based on your official enrollments at the school, or do your "self-enroll" in Canvas?

If your Canvas enrollments are based on your official enrollments, there's nothing you can do to change which courses are listed in "All Courses".  The course retention policy is something that is controlled by your school.  (In that case, courses from previous terms are moved into the "Past Enrollments" area, but that is entirely up to the school.)

If you are taking courses from a school or organization where you "self-enroll" in Canvas classes, you may have the option to un-enroll/drop those cases.  However, be aware that if you do that, any course work you did in the course may be lost.  For more information, seehttps://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-9590-4212253784 


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