[ARCHIVED] Remove large number of people from course quickly

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We have three campus wide courses (all students are part of the courses) which we manually created, so they don't go through the SIS sync. I need to remove all of the students currently in there and put new students in.  I know how to add the students via a spreadsheet upload.  I was going to use a spreadsheet with the same format to remove the students, but if I put their status as deleted, will it delete their account or just remove them from the course?  I don't want to upload the spreadsheet with their status as deleted and learn that I just wiped out their account completely.  I think I know the answer, but want to make sure before I do this.

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1 Solution
Community Novice

 @lhenson ‌ the fastest method I have found is to conclude the course. It will drop all persons associated with the course, and when you un-conclude it, you will have a course with no users.

In my district a number of student organizations such as NHS use Canvas; this method is a Godsend at end of the year clean-up procedures. 

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