Hi @mje , the critical threshold is 100--so once a feature idea has received 100 votes, the product team is obligated to respond to it. Putting that differently, and to address your observation directly, an idea that gets 101 votes from the Community is treated in the same fashion as an idea that gets 151 votes.
Feature idea voting is only one of several ways Canvas decides what to implement and when to implement it. You can read more about the feature implementation process at Ideas: State of the Union. This section is especially germane to your question:
Our product team puts a lot of time, energy, and emphasis in reading and understanding your ideas; and they put all of your excellent explanations and use cases together with the feedback of CSMs (admin perspective), Support (end user perspective), Sales (new client perspective), Engineers (development perspective), their own visits and interviews (mixed perspective), and Instructure Leadership (big goals and budget perspective) to fully evaluate priority, need, and available resources. They then take all of those perspectives, priorities, needs, and resources, and set the product roadmap! All of this is a long winded way to explain why there are sometimes ideas that did not reach the 100 vote threshold that are developed before those that did. Simply put; there are multiple inputs driving roadmap prioritization (although our product managers have enthusiastically said that the Community is an accurate representation of the needs and priorities they hear on site-visits and in interviews - Yeah to you for representing!)
Even if an idea is archived, that doesn't mean it's not on the product team's radar. In fact, once an idea has received a comment from the product team, it is no longer necessary to submit it to the Community for a new round of consideration.
If you have a particular idea or ideas that you're keen on, your best approach is to add your feedback to the comments section and "follow" it to keep informed of its progress through the development process. And feel free to join the Meta Community Group group if you'd like to offer suggestions on how to improve the feature idea process in particular and the Community in general.
This discussion post is outdated and has been archived. Please use the Community question forums and official documentation for the most current and accurate information.