[ARCHIVED] Quiz re-take with fudge pts

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I have a question about allowing students to re-take a quiz and receive the higher of the two grades.

If I use 'fudge pts' to give certain students a bonus on the first take, will those fudge pts transfer over to the second take?

So, for instance if a student scores a 21/30 on the first take and gets a 3 pt fudge bonus, their score would be 24/30.  If that student scored a 23/30 on the second take, would his/her score remain 23/30 or would it be 26/30?

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1 Solution
Community Champion


Fudge points on quizzes are associated with the individual attempt to which it was assigned. You can have 3 fudge points on one attempt, -2 fudge points on a second, or 0 on a third.

Fudge points do not transfer from one attempt to another, each attempt is independent of the others.

In your example, the score would remain 23/30 on the second attempt unless you go in and change the fudge points there.

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