[ARCHIVED] Quiz, multiple choice, why are answer boxes so tiny....................

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How can I see my full answer, why on earth is the answer box so tiny when there is so much space available??? Quite annoying.

Screenshot 2022-01-13 132748.png

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello there, @CharlesHammond ...

I don't really have an answer for why the answer boxes are the size that they are.  However, as you may know, there isn't any more work being done on current Classic Quizzes (which is what your screenshot is showing).  Rather, Instructure (the folks that make Canvas) are spending their resources on developing New Quizzes.  So, I'm not sure if your school's local Canvas administrator has enabled New Quizzes at your school yet (this is a conversation you might want to have with that person), but you might want to try out New Quizzes to see if the multiple choice question types there would be any better for your needs.

How do I create a Multiple Choice question in New Quizzes?

I hope this will be of some help to you.  Sing out if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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