[ARCHIVED] Push a Course to All Teachers

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Is there a way to push a course onto the Dashboards of all of my teachers? I know I can share to Commons or use a URL, but I was looking for something more “automatic”. We are integrated with the PowerSchool SIS. Would I have to set up a course over there and enroll everyone in it so Canvas picks it up on a sync?

Thank you.

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1 Solution
Community Contributor

Hi Nancy,

There's 4 ways of doing it.  First is as you say, creating a course on your SIS system that they are all connected to and linking it to the canvas course.

Second is to share the course to commons and point the staff towards it, though they will need somewhere to download it to.

Third is to make the course available to anyone in your institution and give them the link to it.  This is available in the settings section.

Fourth is to get a list of all staff emails separated either by line breaks or commas (if you have an excel spreadsheet listing them all just copy the column), go to People, +People and paste it in there, just make sure you set them at the level you want them to be.

Hope this helps


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