[ARCHIVED] Parent/Observer Mess with Multiple Children

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Community Novice

Our parents are in the process of setting up Observer accounts to monitor their children. We have noticed that if a parent has more than one child at the school, the observing experience is challenging. In the desktop/laptop platform, the calendar lists a huge number of courses. For a parent with three children, this means there would be as many as 23 different calendars to monitor. The student accounts are not separated in any way.

On the iPad, the platform can't support that many course so it makes an arbitrary decision about what courses to not display at all.

We really need a way for parent to observe their children separately. This is causing a lot of frustration for our parent community.

Does anyone have a solution for this mess and/or is there a way to submit this for vote?

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2 Solutions
Community Champion

Let's focus our efforts on making sure this feature idea gets votes!


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Community Champion

I voted for this.  I think it is very important for parents to be able to choose which student they want to see, it really is a mess if they have 2, 3 or more children.  They don't know  which class is which, they get a million different notifications from Canvas.  This is a must have feature if this is to be a viable feature for K12.  And if you don't have parent access, you don't even have a viable piece of software in K12 in this day and age.  yet another reason to create a higher ed vs K12 version of the software.

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