[ARCHIVED] Panopto access is missing

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I am teaching an online BIOL100 course using the MacMillan LaunchPad software. After integrating LauchPad with my CANVAS site, I no longer have an option to make Panopto recordings. Any idea how to get this option back?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi there,  @matthew_picha ...

Your question might be pretty difficult to troubleshoot here in the Canvas Community because the vast majority of Community users don't have access to your school's Canvas environment or your Canvas course(s).  I am fairly confident, though, that both MacMillan and Panopto are external LTI apps that can be integrated with Canvas.

Beyond that, I'm not quite sure what to tell you about the setup of either of those.  I would probably recommend that you reach out to your school's local Canvas administrator to see if he/she might be able to help you with this issue.  Maybe something recently changed with one of the integrations?  Maybe one of those LTIs isn't set up properly?  Those would be questions for your school's local Canvas admin.  I also found a few resources on your school's website that might be of help:

I hope this information will be of help to you, Matt.

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