[ARCHIVED] Outcomes on copied rubrics don't connect to LMG

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We ran into an interesting situation today.

An ELA teacher created some standard rubrics to use with students. It had two writing outcomes attached that push results to the Learning Mastery Gradebook, as expected. She then duplicated that rubric for a specific assignment, added a criteria, and scored as normal.

What we found was that Outcomes on duplicated rubrics do not push results to the LMG. Is that by design? Or is that a bug we shoud file?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi @bbennett2 

I did some experimenting in my own account by replicating what you described. When I attached an outcome to a rubric and then duplicated the rubric, that outcome was aligned still. One thing to note though, is that the outcome was also duplicated. So the duplicate outcome was attached to the duplicate rubric. 

What process did the teacher use to duplicate the rubric? I did a course import and chose specific content, only copying the rubric I was interested in. I also tried it by copying the rubric with the outcome between courses.

The end result in both tests was the the duplicated rubric with attached outcome did sync to the LMG. You might consider reaching out to Canvas Support if this has not already been resolved for you as the aligned outcome on a copied rubric should still sync to the LMG.

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