[ARCHIVED] Open learning course with no part of term (POT) assigned is not creating a Canvas shell

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Our college is new to Canvas and has discovered an issue that we are in a time crunch to solve. We have a capstone course that consists mainly of quizzes/tests that have to be passed in order for students to graduate. Our school has always allowed students to register for this course in Banner all the way up to the day before the test, but by allowing this there is no "part of term".  We just discovered that this course is not creating a shell in Canvas, therefore cannot be published, I believe, because it doesn't have a part of term assigned. Has any other school run across this problem and found a solution?

Thank you for any help,


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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi @BeckiStringer 

Sorry for the delayed response! This sounds like something our SIS team will want to look into, so I would recommend contacting our support team How do I contact Canvas Support? 

Something else you might look into is Canvas Catalog. What is Canvas Catalog? This may be something that could help automate this process better! 

Let me know if you have any other questions. Have a great day!

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