[ARCHIVED] Multiple Sections per Class Period

Community Participant

Hi all,

A Special Ed teacher in my building has courses called Math 3 and Math 4. These courses are pushed into Canvas from PowerSchool, so she has two separate course tiles for these, naturally. However, in her actual schedule, she has Math 3 and Math 4 students in her class during 2nd period, and Math 3 and Math 4 students in her class during 6th period. She didn't ask for her courses to be cross-listed this semester, so they're still separate right now, and she's finding it very time-consuming to enter grades in her gradebook (as far as I can tell, she's not really assigning work in Canvas - I think she's mostly recording scores from other tools like iXL in the Canvas gradebook). 

I thought it through, and it seems like, even if we cross-list her Math 3/4 for next semester, she'll still have basically the same problem, since she'll either be viewing all Math 3/4 students for both periods, or only (for example) Math 3 students from Period 2. 

The only other solution I can think of is to manually create courses for each of her class periods, and add the appropriate students manually. But then she's stuck with posting identical content to multiple courses.

What am I missing here? Is there a more elegant solution?


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