[ARCHIVED] Multiple Scroll Bars

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Hello community!

Why are there three scroll bars that show up now when I'm logged into a Canvas course?  Is there a way to revert back to the previous view?


SarahScroll Bars.JPG

Labels (2)
1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @schw0814 ...

The newest scroll bar (which you have pictured as #2) was just released this past weekend.  You can find out more about this by visiting the monthly Canvas Release Notes:

As it relates to the scroll bar labeled #1...when I look at your screenshot, it looks like your screen resolution is big enough so that not all global navigation icons fit within your screen, so therefore Canvas is providing you a scroll bar to access those buttons that cannot be seen on your screen at the moment.  For example, I also have a similar scroll bar on my personal laptop at home, but I don't have that on my work laptop because I have some larger monitors at work which give me more screen real estate.  However, if I were to use the zoom controls within the browser to zoom in to something like 150% or greater, then the scroll bar would show up for me.  So, it depends on screen resolution and your browser zoom settings.  There isn't a way to remove the new scroll bar...as far as I know.  The Feature Idea associated with this new behavior was to make the course navigation menus "sticky".

As it relates to the scroll bar labeled #3, that one looks pretty standard since you have a page of content that has more content than can fit on the screen.

I hope this helps a bit.  Let Community members know if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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