[ARCHIVED] Late submission over ride deduction

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How do I over ride a deduction for a late submission? (because students given extensions). know I can provide separate assignment pages but when have three or four with different due dates not feasible.

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hello  @v_r_edmonds-bro  and Welcome to the Canvas Community!

You do not have to create separate assignment pages for individual students to give them different due dates, you can assign different due dates all from the same page.

How do I assign an assignment to an individual student? 

assign to a student

You can assign a different date to a course section or to multiple individual students who get the same different date. And if the regular due date has already passed, you can still give a new/different due date to students.

In case, you have late policies in place, you can manually un-mark the assignments as late. But your best bet is to give a new due date for the students and let Canvas handle the rest.

How do I apply a Late Submission policy in the New Gradebook? 

Late Policies: Instructor FAQ 

Can I remove the late penalty for a late submission if I have a late submission policy set up?

Change the status for the submission to something other than Late in the Grade Detail Tray.

Hope these resources help,
Cheers - Shar

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