Community Member

JWKS Format

What is the format of the output from a well-known JWKS url?  I am trying to configure an external tool in the Developer Key. And the tool's JWKS url is returning a standard format for the JSON Web Keyset, i.e.

   "keys": [
       "kid": "PKOegFlbTOO7tlr2UQpcO7R3xEFysVPkoA6WjF-l5To",
       "kty": "RSA",
       "e": "AQAB",
        "n": "1Yh9NPQdVKgDwEN8jtlXq-1RhfqhKZ9qQAQTPrmrEJRJvzoHqPPi8W5Jh8-_fGX6rEzmttWdcTGU-dJCEUlXvnC2YXypf4HyQ9o2iEWBfYNWeBum6ti0Vuttetpszc9uwcE4z9wJXz7ejMqunn_PvJLmp7m9Ccap9gHNgB1Kr0wMIzYIApsMdmvcKSwdMoxWGTWgMDlHtbO8ea3FPW4W0kZPyv-WvngoxD5YIvfxo5_3vAVRRLSY--gUQ0WJ6yg8aKcdwF-mqVJgVAPvP6_xubpmf0dGCwzv0nhOF6OjpDQKRYRbzg_uU7ZWnRwBg6SslzdNBTZlnn_qCDYzI4_xBQ",
        "alg": "RS256",
        "use": "sig"

The above keyset is ending with a JWK invalid signature. But if I take just that one key and paste it in as a Public JWK it works. So, what is the supported format?

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