To say a little more about the question groups ...
Even if you're not using question groups right now, you could make a question group and drag all of the questions on the quiz into that question group. You set the number of questions and the point values on the question group to make it be 100 points. 50 questions worth 2 points each. 25 questions worth 4 points each.
30 questions worth ... oops, we don't get 100 points this way. Canvas rounds to 2 decimals, so 100/30=3.33 points. But 30*3.33 = 99.9 points. You would need to make 2 question groups. One has 20 questions worth 3.33 points each and one has 10 questions worth 3.34 points each.
Using question groups can make other things (like analysis) more challenging. It also means that the questions will be presented in different order for each person. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but if there are questions that need manually graded, you may want to leave them outside a question group.
Also, with question groups, the questions within the group can't have different point values. So if some are intentionally worth more, you'll have to keep them separate.
You could write a program that would adjust the point values through the API. That's probably going to take longer than it would to go through and manually adjust all of the point values.
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