[ARCHIVED] Images in Email notifications

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Community Novice

When I send invitations to join a course, the button to get started and the canvas logo are not appearing. I checked permissions on the images folder and its contents, and it is set to 775. When I view the email source code and copy and past the URL into a browser, I can see the images. 

In addition, I would like to know where I can set the variable 'custom_logo' to display the company log and not the canvas logo, which I think should be in admin settings, but I can't find where.

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1 Solution
Community Novice

I did eventually figure it out. 

1) The site where the images are stored, needs to be secured with an SSL (https)

2) To display the company logo requires getting access to the debase, and setting account.settings[:email_logo] to the correct URL of the custom company logo.

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