[ARCHIVED] How to proctor online exams?

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Our accreditation agency requires evidence of the following items: 

      ~ Appropriate measures required of students participating in distance and/or correspondence education to ensure that the student receiving credit is in fact the person completing the work.

      ~ When examinations are employed (paper, online, demonstrations of competency, etc.), they take place in circumstances that include firm student identification. The institution otherwise seeks to assure the integrity of student work.

Does Canvas provide anything that would satisfy these requirements? 

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3 Solutions
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I think most people use the Respondus browser (to create a secure testing environment) or ProctorU (for live proctoring of the student) when it comes to online exams

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Community Explorer

I don't think it necessarily implies proctoring. For reaccreditation at a former university, we had only to use the LMS login procedure as evidence of both of those points. While one could argue that a login can be shared, so can ID cards be faked. If the institution has a secure login to the LMS (two-factor authentication ideal), it could be all you need. Not sure of your accrediting agency (and often, the individual reviewer can make or break you), but this worked for more than one institution. Proctoring all exams is simply not feasible for a robust online program, nor is it even necessarily effective in stopping cheating.

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Community Explorer

Hey Cinthya,

We are looking to move from Respondus Lockdown Browser because of their lack of support for Chromebooks in higher ed. Can you tell me why you use both Honorlock AND ProctorU?

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