[ARCHIVED] How to keep students from accessing closed quiz?

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How to prevent a student from taking a quiz after the "closed" date?

I'm using "new quizzes", for weekly self-quiz assignments, scored for completion. 

I set my "due date" as the date when the student should take a weekly quiz, and I allow them to take the quiz any time up until the "closed date" (the "access until" date). After the quizzes are closed, I change all positive scores to the maximum, and all untaken quizzes to zero. However, a student recently managed to access the quizzes after the "closed" date, changing their "zero" scores to positive scores in gradebook. I don't know how they are accessing them - when I go into Student View, I am not able to access the quizzes. 

When I go into "Moderate", I can see that they made one attempt, and that it was a full two days after the quiz was closed. What is the point of a closed quiz if it is accessible after the closed date?

Has anyone else experienced this, or know of a fix? Thank you! ~D

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1 Solution

 @debrahansen , this isn't the way Quizzes should be functioning so my recommendation is to contact Canvas Support and see if they can help. To do this, click on the Help link in Canvas and Report a Problem.


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