[ARCHIVED] How do I send e-mails to stiudents?

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Hello there, @RobertLeo ...

First off...keep in mind that Canvas does not have e-mail.  It has a messaging tool within Canvas called the Inbox.  The difference between the Canvas Inbox and standard e-mail is that you cannot send (or receive) messages to your friends/family, for example, through the Canvas Inbox because they are most likely not enrolled in the same classes that you are within your school's Canvas environment.  The Canvas Inbox is only meant for you to be communicating with student and other instructors that are enrolled in the same courses that you are.  There are notification settings with a user's Canvas profile that you can configure...such as sending you an e-mail notification when someone sends you a message through the Canvas Inbox.  You might want to take a look at these Guides:

Now, getting to the question you asked...  You can send messages to students by following these Guides:

Finally, there are short video tutorials that you might want to look through before you wade through the above links.  These tutorials should help you get started on both how to use the Canvas Inbox and how to set your notification settings within your Canvas profile:

I hope these resources will be of some help to you.  Sing out if you have any other questions about this information.  Take care, and be well.

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