@sharris wrote:
(the copy process is automated via API).
Try the same thing manually by going to course settings, and then selecting import course content from the right side menu. Last spring I double checked our copied mater courses with other live instructors, and they had access to the questions in the copied banks. What is reportedly happening with this form of course import is a complete copy of everything used in the course. (Compare the way it works if the banks are attached to the course itself or attached to the instructor who set up the master course, as that might work differently.)
I consider the view only access you describe to be the desirable outcome when the access is to the same bank as the master course. (You wouldn't want every instructor making changes in the questions that impact every single course). It would be useful to know how to achieve that form of course copy, so that choices could be made according to needs. In the type of copy it sounds like you achieved, ideally instructors end up with access to one of each bank, rather than a copy created for every section of every course (the way rubrics are). In this format, a banked question should be able to be duplicated, the duplicate edited (and added to the instructors own bank if desired) and then the original banked question removed from the quiz. Instructors will be able to edit the questions this way, without impacting each others questions by changing the main question bank all are viewing.
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