[ARCHIVED] Google Drive API

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We have been using the Google Drive External Tool  and today we are getting an error that the API is gone. Has Canvas removed this? I know they are switching to Goole Assignments....which honestly is AWFUL!!!! We loved the Google Drive External Tool and it worked beautifully. If I wanted Google Assignments I would use google Classroom. 

We wanted to use the Google Drive External Tool until it was no longer available. If anyone has updates on this please let me know. 


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1 Solution

Hello @drandas1 
I looked and the original Google Apps LTI as well as Google Cloud Submission type Assignments are working in my instance, and have not been removed. It seems that your administrator could have removed them from the account level. If you are seeing this I would reach out to your institution about them having removed the Google Apps LTI. Canvas Support can also look into this for you as well if you would like to reach out to them directly. if you are still encountering this you will want to contact the tech support team at Canvas to have them take look as they would need to double check the settings and other items regarding how it is setup with examples and should be able to assist further.

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